Our Class Trip
By Hallie De Khors
On Thursday 3/9/20, myself, my class, our teacher and two SNA's went to Killiney and Dalkey Hill. We went for a historical journey. We brought a page to write about the buildings and when they were built.
First we saw the building called the Obelisk, otherwise known as the Witches Hat. We also saw the Dublin Pyramid. It had steps and a seat on top of it.
Fifteen minutes later we were finished the worksheet and had a picnic. We packed up our bags but before we left a dog came running over to us. We asked the owner if we could pet him and the kind woman said yes.
It was a lovely day! I was very happy, especially because we got to walk down 200 steps instead of up them!
I would recommend this trip for a few reasons.
- Nice fresh air.
- No work!
- A lovely walk for exercise and to get you some fresh air for your body!