Friday, October 9, 2020

Sixth Class Trip to Killiney Hill

 Our Class Trip  

By Hallie De Khors

On Thursday 3/9/20, myself, my class, our teacher and two SNA's went to Killiney and Dalkey Hill. We went for a historical journey. We brought a page to write about the buildings and when they were built. 

First we saw the building called the Obelisk, otherwise known as the Witches Hat. We also saw the Dublin Pyramid. It had steps and a seat on top of it. 

After that we walked over to Dalkey Hill to look at another building that I called the E>T Tower
because it had a picture of E.T on it.

After that we walked over to Dalkey Hill to look at another building that I called the E>T Tower because it had a picture of E.T on it.

Fifteen minutes later we were finished the worksheet and had a picnic. We packed up our bags but before we left a dog came running over to us. We asked the owner if we could pet him and the kind woman said yes. 

It was a lovely day! I was very happy, especially because we got to walk down 200 steps instead of up them!

I would recommend this trip for a few reasons. 

  1. Nice fresh air.
  2. No work!
  3. A lovely walk for exercise and to get you some fresh air for your body!

Monday, June 22, 2020

Virtual tours and nature trail

Hi Everyone,

Check out the activities below over the next few days.

Virtual tour of Dublin Zoo.

Killiney hill nature trail can be accessed on the Scoil Cholmcille homepage.

Virtual tour of the National Museum of Ireland.


Friday, June 5, 2020

Virtual Sports Day - Friday 19th June 2020

Normally at this time of the year we would be having our Sports Day, which is always one of the most fun days in the school year for all of us!!!
Unfortunately this year with our school closed we can't do our Sports Day.
Instead, we would love if you took part in our Virtual Sports Day!

Taking part is easy!!:

  • We have picked different activities and challenges that you should be able to do with very little equipment that can all be found around your house!
  • You can record yourself doing as many of the activities as you like and send a video of your best attempt to us on Seesaw!
  • You will receive a 'Virtual Sports Day' Booklet on the day you are collecting your copies, books, artwork etc.. with the details of the activities and explanations.
  • If you click on each of the pictures below, you can see what is in the booklet - Rules, explanations and activity list. 
Keep reading to find out more information below!

What to do:

Before the 19th of June:

1) Familiarise yourself with the Virtual Sports Day Booklet and activities.
2) Watch the explanation videos included in the pdf linked below.
3) Ensure that you have all the equipment needed (See list of equipment below).
4) If you are unsure of anything, you can ask us a question on Seesaw before the day of the Sports Day.
5) Have a look at the Shopping List below to give you some ideas of what you can get to make it feel like a real Sports Day!!
6) Make a playlist of songs that get you moving!! Or click here to use this ready - made playlist!

On the day of the Sports Day:

1) Ensure you have someone to time you and film you doing the activities.
2) Make sure you have all the equipment you'll need, speakers, suncream, drinks etc... 
3) Upload the videos of your best attempts of the activities to Seesaw. (Include a note telling us your best time/amount of reps you completed!)
4) We encourage everyone to take part in a safe place, away from traffic and other dangers. If you are doing these activities in a public place, such as Kilbogget, make sure you follow social distancing guidelines and aren't gathering in big groups to do these activities!
5) Most importantly - Stay Safe and Have Fun!!!

Click on the links in the image below to view a video explanation of each activity.

Equipment List and Shopping List

Click Here To Open Shopping List PDF

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Work for Monday 18th - Wednesday 20th

Hi Everyone,
I hope you all had a nice weekend. The next three days of work will be on this blog but you will be working from work packs from Thursday 21st onward. Each day will be planned out and you can upload the work as you have been on Seesaw. The class have been uploading loads of great stuff, including art work, science projects and other things so keep up the good work! There has already been a great response to the rock art on Killiney Beach so well done to those who have already put a rock down there.

The following is the suggested timetable for the week. This does not have to be followed.

Monday 18th

Maths: Do questions 5, 6 and 7 below. Read the yellow boxes carefully. When finding the percentage of a number you follow these steps every time:

1. Convert the percentage to a fraction (put the number over a hundred).
2. Simplify the fraction into its simplest form.
3. Divide by the bottom number of the fraction and then multiply it by the top number.

Mental Maths week 30

Spellbound: Unit 32 questions A and B

Reading Comprehension: Read the following and do questions 1 -5 in the Tale and Detail section




PE: Continue with PE with Joe Wicks and Exercise record sheet from previous week.

Art: Pick a video from 'Drawing with Don Conroy' and try one of the lessons from the link below:

Tuesday 19th

Maths: Do questions 1 - 3 below.
In question 1 you will have to find percentages. Use the same steps from yesterday to do this.
In question 2 you will be doing the same as question 1 but with a book of 300 pages.
In question 3 you are finding percentages again. Make sure you read the questions carefully to see what information they want.

Mental Maths week 30

Spellbound Unit 32 C and D

Reading Comprehension: Read the following and answer questions 1 - 5 in the Tale and Detail section



PE: Continue with PE with Joe Wicks and Exercise record sheet from previous week.

Art: Pick a video from 'Drawing with Don Conroy' and try one of the lessons from the link below:

Wednesday 20th 

Maths: Do questions 4 and 5 below. Do the challenge.

Mental Maths week 30

Spellbound Unit 32 E and F

Reading Comprehension: Read the following and do questions 1 - 5  in the Tale and Detail section.



PE: Continue with PE with Joe Wicks and Exercise record sheet from previous week.

Art: Pick a video from 'Drawing with Don Conroy' and try one of the lessons from the link below:

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Work for the week May 11th - 15th

Welcome back everyone.
I hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed all of the sunshine! The following timetable is only a suggestion and does not have to be followed. Again, there is no pressure to finish all of the work but I would encourage you to do so. The engagement has been excellent in recent weeks and I hope this will continue. I will also remind you that when you are uploading work you can attach up to 10 files at once instead of uploading a new picture singly. This will save you time when uploading and will also save me a lot of time when I am looking at the work. If you have any questions please message me on Seesaw and I will get back to you asap.

Have a good week!

Monday 14th

1. Maths

2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q A &B

3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: Councillor Evans, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.


4. Geography

Read pages 74 - 76 and do questions 1 - 4 in your SESE copy.

5. Mental Maths Week 29

6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet.
If you are unsure how to do the exercises you can look them up on YouTube.
PE with Joe Wicks:

Tuesday 12th

1. Maths
  • Maths sheet page 101 questions 4 - 6. (Percentages) 
Look at your work from yesterday if you are unsure how to convert tenths to percentages. Also be careful in question 6 for what it is actually asking you for the answer. 

2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q C & D

3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: Fagin's Trial, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.

4. Geography

Read pages 77 and 78 and do questions 1 - 6 on page 78 in your SESE copy.

5. Mental Maths Week 29

6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet.

PE with Joe Wicks:

Reading: 20 mins

Wednesday 13th 

1. Maths
Do questions 1 - 3 on page 102.

2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q E and F

3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: The soldier who did not wash, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 5 in the Tale and Detail section.

4. Art
I want you to create an art piece inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris. You can do this any way you want using whatever you have at home. Have a look at the examples below for some ideas. This can be done over a couple of days if you want.


5. Mental Maths Week 29

6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet.

PE with Joe Wicks:

Thursday 14th 

1. Maths
Do questions 4 - 6 on page 102

2. Spellbound Unit 31 Finish

3. Reading Comprehension:
Read the following and do the questions in your copy.

4. History
Read pages 38 - 40 and do activities A and B on page 41

5. Mental Maths Week 29

6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet.

PE with Joe Wicks:

Friday 15th

1. Maths
Do questions 1 - 4 o page 103

2. Spellbound Test

3. My sentences: Write a sentence for each word in Spellbound into your copybooks.

4. Mental Maths Week 29 Friday test and problem solving.

5. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet.

PE with Joe Wicks:

Sixth Class Trip to Killiney Hill

 Our Class Trip   By Hallie De Khors On Thursday 3/9/20, myself, my class, our teacher and two SNA's went to Killiney and Dalkey Hill. W...