Welcome back everyone.
I hope you all had a nice weekend and enjoyed all of the sunshine! The following timetable is only a suggestion and does not have to be followed. Again, there is no pressure to finish all of the work but I would encourage you to do so. The engagement has been excellent in recent weeks and I hope this will continue. I will also remind you that when you are uploading work you can attach up to 10 files at once instead of uploading a new picture singly. This will save you time when uploading and will also save me a lot of time when I am looking at the work. If you have any questions please message me on Seesaw and I will get back to you asap.
Have a good week!
Monday 14th
1. Maths
- Watch the following video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JeVSmq1Nrpw
- Maths sheet page 101 questions 1 - 3. (Percentages)
2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q A &B
3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: Councillor Evans, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Geography
Read pages 74 - 76 and do questions 1 - 4 in your SESE copy.
Follow the link to the story: Councillor Evans, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Geography
Read pages 74 - 76 and do questions 1 - 4 in your SESE copy.
5. Mental Maths Week 29
6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
If you are unsure how to do the exercises you can look them up on YouTube.
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Tuesday 12th
1. Maths
- Maths sheet page 101 questions 4 - 6. (Percentages)
Look at your work from yesterday if you are unsure how to convert tenths to percentages. Also be careful in question 6 for what it is actually asking you for the answer.
2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q C & D
3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: Fagin's Trial, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Geography
Read pages 77 and 78 and do questions 1 - 6 on page 78 in your SESE copy.
Follow the link to the story: Fagin's Trial, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 6 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Geography
Read pages 77 and 78 and do questions 1 - 6 on page 78 in your SESE copy.
6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Reading: 20 mins
Wednesday 13th
1. Maths
Do questions 1 - 3 on page 102.
2. Spellbound Unit 31 Q E and F
3. Reading Comprehension:
Follow the link to the story: The soldier who did not wash, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 5 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Art
I want you to create an art piece inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris. You can do this any way you want using whatever you have at home. Have a look at the examples below for some ideas. This can be done over a couple of days if you want.
5. Mental Maths Week 29
6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Follow the link to the story: The soldier who did not wash, from the Cj Fallon website.
Do questions 1 - 5 in the Tale and Detail section.
4. Art
I want you to create an art piece inspired by the Eiffel Tower in Paris. You can do this any way you want using whatever you have at home. Have a look at the examples below for some ideas. This can be done over a couple of days if you want.
5. Mental Maths Week 29
6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Thursday 14th
1. Maths
Do questions 4 - 6 on page 102
2. Spellbound Unit 31 Finish
3. Reading Comprehension:
Read the following and do the questions in your copy.
4. History
Read pages 38 - 40 and do activities A and B on page 41
5. Mental Maths Week 29Read the following and do the questions in your copy.
4. History
Read pages 38 - 40 and do activities A and B on page 41
6. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
Friday 15th
1. Maths
Do questions 1 - 4 o page 103
2. Spellbound Test
3. My sentences: Write a sentence for each word in Spellbound into your copybooks.
4. Mental Maths Week 29 Friday test and problem solving.
5. PE
Use the following exercise checklist to do the exercises and record them every day. If you don't have access to a printer you could log what you have done on a piece of paper. Use a ruler to copy the sheet. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kz6j8HNHHHx9AE6SyVBnA9PKXc8OLsSE/view?usp=sharing
PE with Joe Wicks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAxW1XT0iEJo0TYlRfn6rYQ
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